Posts Tagged ‘mazda’

Monday, October 31st, 2011 by

Holiday Romance

British, summer, holiday: three words likely to bring a whole assortment of unique memories to different people. These days the perceived vision mostly involves sitting on a cold beach, sharing your sandwiches with crack-addicted seagulls, and watching some kids set fire to a pier. However, pre-Seventies and a long while before that bloke came along ...

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Thursday, August 5th, 2010 by

Mazda2 Sport: A big bag of Pick ‘n’ Mix

In the UK we are fortunate that we have a lot of small, economic and fun cars on sale. When teenagers pass their driving test there are all kinds of small cars to choose from, so many in fact it is like being a kid in a sweet shop. You can go for the retro ...

. . . . . . . . . News . Road Tests

Friday, March 19th, 2010 by

Mazda MX-5 Matte Black props fail

We are all aware that when a new car is released the manufacturer sends out some glam shots of the car, so we can start to salivate over them on the interweb. But I think the marketing team at Mazda had a bit of an off day when they went to shoot the new Matte ...

. . . . News

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